For Construction in 21st Century

Leveraging LEAN Philosophy &
DIGITAL Technologies

Learn Emerging Concepts of LEAN & DIGITAL through real
Case-Studies, and improve your Project Speed and Quality
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Price: INR 800 / USD 20 (incl. GST)
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What the Industry Leaders
say about the Book

What the Academic Leaders
say about the Book

A Message from the Authors

A Message from the Authors

We wrote this book with the purpose of providing new approaches and methods to all enthusiasts from the Construction Industry. We primarily focused on the improving the project Quality and Progress Speed performances in a big way, using the emerging practices of LEAN Philosophy DIGITAL Technologies. In order to make the ‘reach’ of the concepts to a very wide audience, both professionals and students, we have made this INR 800 priced book free now. Hope readers will find it very innovative and useful in their projects.

About the book

About the book

The Authors have focused on describing all the aspects of the LEAN Philosophy and emerging DIGITAL technologies in the Real Estate and Infrastructure domain, about how these play a very important role in achieving world-class quality

Some details about the Book.

  • Covers Buildings (Residential, Resorts, Offices/ Workplaces, Hotels, Malls etc.) and Linear Projects (Roads & Highways, Flyovers, River Bridges, Railways, Tunnels etc.)
  • Number of Pages: 440 A4 size pages
  • Number of Figures: 156 (almost all colored for better understanding)
  • Number of Tables : 52 giving very comprehensive Quality related data, for Buildings as well as Linear Infrastructure Projects
  • Number of real Case Studies: more than 20.
  • Government Executives & Professional Bodies’ Members in Construction Sectors, who wants high-level concept knowledge with examples, on Lean Construction & Digital technologies and need to leverage these for their projects performances.
  • Post Graduate Students of Technical Universities, Institutions and Business Schools in General Management, Construction Management, Civil Engineering and other Engineering Subjects like Mechanical, Electrical (for MEP speciality),(recommended as an ‘Elective’ Course).
  • Developers, Builders, EPC Contractors, Main Contractors & Sub-Contractors, Investors, Consultants, Architects, Suppliers in Construction, as a “Reference Book” for understanding the high-level concepts in Lean Construction & Digital Technologies for improving Construction Quality cost-effectively.
  • There is a huge national-level loss in terms of poor quality, over-budgets and delays in completion, due to current poor state on all the four dimensions of Quality: Products, Services of Supply Chain, Processes & People Skills, for most Buildings and Infrastructure projects. This also leads to big profit-losses for constructors and business partners, dis-satisfaction among customers, employees, general public and besides adding to the environmental problems.
  • Generally, there is no structured training or education of Quality Management for Construction Sector available in Universities & B-Schools, required for the Construction 4.0 scenario (focusing on Technologies and world-class-quality), despite growing need and global investment of this sector.
  • Traditional Construction Quality Management courses are not enough for preparing for emerging Construction 4.0 scenarios and dealing with new-age millennial customers, partners and employees.
  • There is lack of awareness of capabilities of Lean Construction Concepts and emerging Digital technologies to solve current inefficiencies.
  • Book defines the Millennial Stakeholders’ newer expectations for proving them a better experience in terms of Buildings personalization, mass-customization, infrastructure etc. of the world-class quality, with faster speed and frugal cost etc.
  • Book defines the changes of the perception of Quality from four dimensions namely. PRODUCT Quality (specially for the Buildings internal & external finishes), Supply Chain SERVICE Quality (quantum jump in reliability, logistics, speed, cost and overall quality), PROCESS Quality (taking care of current quality & delays issues) and PEOPLE Quality (basic and additional skills covering Project Management, Domain, Technologies & Leadership & other Soft skills using Just-in-time, just-enough training).
  • Introduces the basic concepts of LEAN Construction with many real-life case-examples.
  • Introduces key Digital Technologies in Construction Sector with possible applications of Virtual Reality, 3-D printing, BIM, Social Media, Robotics, Drone, Analytics, AI, etc.
  • Currently, there is no comprehensive book available covering following four aspects together, and keeping the four dimensions of quality in focus:
    • Millenial stakeholders’ newer Expectations for the better Customer Experience.
    • Complete Life Cycle Process for Buildings & Infrastructure Project’s Defects.
    • Key LEAN Construction Concepts related to Quality Management.
    • Emerging DIGITAL technologies enabling newer strategies for Quality Management in coming decades.
  • No book available which is useful both to young budding managers (Post-Graduate students) & matured Managers, looking for newer innovative solutions than just following the regular Quality Standards.
  • Book contains more than 20 real-life Case-Examples explained in details. Most of these were successful consulting engagements in India, UAE and Singapore.
  • 80 years of combined experience in Industry and Academic Institutions for Productivity and Quality Management in Manufacturing and Construction Sectors.
  • 25 Years of combined experience in LEAN Construction & DIGITAL technologies leveraged by authors for Quality Management.
  • Publications of 10 papers in International/ National Conferences during last 3 years in LEAN Construction.
  • Developed and implemented several new solutions for Construction Quality Management by both the authors during last 8 years.
  • Conducted more than 25 workshops for executives in India, UAE & Srilanka and educated more than 500 Post-graduate students in Construction Quality Management topics with Lean Digital focus.
  • Past-Head, Hyderabad-Hub, Institute of Lean Construction Excellence, India (2013-2019).

Table of Contents

Some insights on the content
portrayed in the book

The Authors have focused on describing all the aspects of the LEAN Philosophy and emerging DIGITAL technologies in the Real Estate and Infrastructure domain, about how it plays a very important role in achieving world-class quality,

Covers 4 aspects of Quality Management:

  • Quality of PRODUCTS (Buildings, Interiors, Flyovers, Bridges, Roads & Highways etc).
  • Quality of PROCESSES (all Construction & Inspection Processes)
  • Quality of Supply Chain SERVICES (all outsourced services from Design & Architect Int to Execution to Facilities maintenance)
  • Quality of PEOPLE (all levels from Sales & marketing to Architects to Project managers to workmen).
  • Good coverage of LEAN philosophy (Chapter 3) relevant for Construction Sector.
  • Good coverage of DIGITAL (Chapter 11) and other Technologies, relevant for Construction Sector.
  • More than 50 TABLES with comprehensive data related to quality of Real Estate and Infrastructure Projects for ready references

Some sample

Pages from the book

Published on: 26th January, 2021

Some sample

Pages from the book

Published on: 26th January, 2021

About the Authors

Dr. Subhash

Dr. Subhash has an extensive experience of 47 years in his field, ‘He believes in sharing the knowledge and this would only help us evolve’.


Ph.D. (IIM Mumbai). M.Tech. (IIT Kanpur), B.Tech. (IIT Kanpur), PMP, PMI-ACP, other Project Mgt. certifications from Stanford University, The George Washington University, Japan Productivity Council

Recent Important Volunteering:

Member Board of Directors, Engineers Beyond Borders-International (2021)

Member-Board of Directors Engineers Beyond Borders-India (2020-2022)

Head-Hyderabad Hub, Institute of LEAN Construction Excellence, India 2014-2019

Member, Advisory Group, REP, PMI, USA (2008-2010)

Mr. Akhilesh

Akhilesh has global experience of 34 years in the Construction, Manufacturing and IT sectors. He believes that creative thinking and Analytics can enhance the performance of all these sectors.

Learn Emerging Concepts of LEAN & DIGITAL through real Case Studies can improve your Project Quality.


M.Tech (IIM Mumbai), B.E., Advanced Project Management certifications from Stanford University

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